Dear fellow PVARC members,

Our online monthly EmComm Interest Group meeting is this Saturday, August 15, from 10:00-11:00 am and all members are welcome.  The Webex one-click meeting link is shown below and our "room" opens at 9:45 am.  Among other things we'll be further discussing implications to ham radio emergency communication from the City of Rancho Palos Verdes' proposed amateur radio antenna ordinance and where it now stands in the Planning Commission process.  If you do not live in Rancho Palos Verdes these issues potentially could arise in your city too.

Last Saturday's PVARC HF Enthusiasts Group online meeting was a lively gathering and dovetailed nicely with ham radio's first-ever virtual convention, QSO Today.  I felt QSO Today was impressively done especially considering how little time the organizers had to prepare.  Last weekend's convention was entirely focused on HF and technical topics, hopefully the next QSO Today in March 2021 will also have emergency communications presentations.  If you were among the 26,000 registered attendees keep in mind you may review any QSO Today presentation until September 8.

This Saturday from 11:00 am to 11:00 pm is also the summer North American QSO Party SSB contest, where 20-meters is wall-to-wall with stations.  We normally participate in this event from Pt. Vicente Lighthouse during International Lighthouse & Lightship Weekend but this year we'll be using home stations.  For contest rules see:


Diana, AI6DF


Palos Verdes Amateur Radio Club's EmComm Interest Group monthly meeting

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Saturday, Aug 15 2020 (UTC-07:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

Meeting Information

Meeting link:

Meeting number:

126 010 5976


7X2QqJfGqJ4 (79277534 from phones and video systems)

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