Dear fellow PVARC members,
Thank you to everyone who attended last Thursday's club meeting. We have much more to explain about DMR to make it understandable and useful. Several of our members are already developing a well-organized, illustrated DMR presentation (which our Board will closely review) aimed at "complexity-reduction." This will be presented at our September meeting and incorporate our additional experience with K6PV being a dual-mode repeater.
Although it might be after the fact by the time you read this: Our weekly club nets on K6PV are tonight as usual (analog net at 7:30 pm; DMR net at 8:00 pm)...please check in and say hello.
Did anyone recently lose an HT radio somewhere along the Rolling Hills Estates horse trails? Our member Melody Colbert, KI6SPA, reports an HT was found on May 4 during the Mayor's Ride in Rolling Hills Estates. If this radio is yours it may be claimed by calling Mike Goldsmith at 310-504-4947.
Our fellow member Walt Ordway, K1DFO, started his latest ham license classes this past Saturday and reports he still has two unsold copies of Gordon West's General License handbook covering the question pool valid through June 30, 2019. If you know anyone planning to take their General license test very soon who would like one of these books Walt will sell it for $12.50 (half price). Contact him at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
PVARC members were active this past Sunday providing public service communication at the Ridgecrest Intermediate School 5K which circled the Promenade of the Peninsula and adjoining retail areas. More on this in our next QRO newsletter. Our club's next public service event is the Rolling Hills Estates "Hills Are Alive" 10K/5K on August 10.
Lastly, our monthly HF Enthusiasts Group meeting is this Saturday from 10:00 am to Noon in the Palos Verdes Library main branch's Purcell Room. All are welcome to attend whether to observe, present a project or issue they've worked on, or mention interesting stations they've worked.
73 to all,
Diana, AI6DF
Here's the latest DX bulletin, courtesy of the ARRL (some completed operations have been omitted):
This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
The Daily DX, The OPDX Bulletin, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral
from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks
to all.
FIJI, 3D2. Nobby, G0VJG is QRV as 3D2AS until May 5, and then again
from May 20 to 22. Activity is on 40 to 10 meters using SSB and FT8
in DXpedition mode. QSL via M0OXO.
MALDIVES, 8Q. Nobu, JA0JHQ and Ted, JA7XBG plan to be QRV as 8Q7NH
and 8Q7XB, respectively, from Embudu Island, IOTA AS-013, from May 7
to 10. Activity will be on 160 to 6 meters using CW and FT8. QSL
direct to home calls.
CROATIA, 9A. Jan, PA4JJ is QRV as 9A/PA4JJ until June 5. Activity
is holiday style on 40 to 10 meters using mainly FT8. QSL to home
GHANA, 9G. Emil, ZS6EGB is QRV as 9G5ZS until February 2020.
Activity is on the HF bands using FT8. QSL via LoTW.
FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY, DL. Members of radio club Bad Doberan
are QRV with special call sign DM460DA until the end of October to
celebrate the club's 60th anniversary. QSL via DL9GFB.
SPAIN, EA. Members of the Radio Club de las Fuerzas Armadas
Espanolas will be QRV with special call sign EG1FAS from May 4 to
June 2 to commemorate Spain's armed forces. QSL via EA1ADP.
from Wallis Island, IOTA OC-054, from May 6 to 20. Activity will be
on 60 to 6 meters using SSB and FT8. QSL via M0OXO.
HAITI, HH. Dale, N3BNA and Mark, K3MSB will be QRV as HH6/home
calls from May 4 to 11. Activity will be in their spare time on 160
and 60 meters. QSL HH6/N3BNA via KA2AEV, and HH6/K3MSB to home
THAILAND, HS. Special event station HS10KING is QRV until July 31
to commemorate the Coronation of King Vajiralongkorn
Bodindradebayavarangkun, King Rama X. Activity is on all bands and
possibly satellites. QSL via operators' instructions.
DOMINICA, J7. Operators Thomas, SM0CXU and Tore, SM0DZB will be QRV
as J79U and J79TA, respectively, from May 7 to 15. QSL via M0OXO.
ST. VINCENT, J8. Brian, GW4DVB will be QRV as J88PI from Palm
Island from May 7 to 14. Activity will be on 40 to 6 meters using
SSB, SSTV and FT8. QSL direct to home call.
ARGENTINA, LU. Horacio, LU5BE and Enrique, LU8EFF are QRV as home
calls/T until May 5 from Susques and Purmamarca. Activity is on 80
to 6 meters using CW, SSB, PSK31, HELL, JT65 and FT8. QSL via
operators' instructions.
BULGARIA, LZ. Members of the Bulgarian Radio Club Blagovestnik are
QRV with special call LZ497OM during May to honor Orthodox saints.
QSL via bureau.
PERU, OA. Michael, AC0PR plans to be QRV as OA3/AC0PR from Chimbote
from May 5 to 14. Activity will be in his spare time 40 to 15
meters using only CW and QRP power. QSL direct to home call.
MARKET REEF, OJ0. Pasi, OH3WS plans to be QRV as OJ0W from May 4 to
11. Activity will be in his spare time on 60 and 30 meters. QSL to
home call.
SLOVAK REPUBLIC, OM. Special event stations OM83IHWC and OM2019IIHF
are QRV during May to mark the 83rd Men's World Ice Hockey
Championships. Activity is on the HF and VHF bands. QSL via OM2FY.
EUROPEAN RUSSIA, UA. A number of stations are using the RP74 prefix
until May 9 to commemorate the 74th year since the end of World War II.