Dear fellow PVARC members,
Final call:  If you haven't yet sent your RSVP for Sunday's Lighthouse family picnic we need to hear from you by 4:00 pm this Thursday, August 16.  Because we are having catered BBQ meats there's marinade/prep time for these foods and an order of our size requires advance notice to be ready by mid-day Sunday.  Please advise at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you plan to attend but haven't. 
It should be great weather at the Lighthouse (food serving starts at 12:30 pm Sunday) and much of our dining area will be shaded with canopies.  We would still like several additional canopies if available.  Everyone should park in the dirt lot outside the Lighthouse gate, unless you have a handicapped placard or plates, and we'll provide a shuttle service from the front gate to the picnic area adjacent to the Lighthouse (and back) if you do not wish to walk.  We have authorization for up to eight vehicles with handicapped placard or plates to park adjacent to the Lighthouse.  If that's your situation please let me know.
We'll have full Lighthouse Weekend information in the August QRO newsletter.  Its production is running a day behind schedule, but it will be emailed in advance of our picnic. 
Meanwhile, our weekly club net is tonight at 7:30 pm on the K6PV repeater and cross-banded onto 144.910 MHz, Tone Squelch, PL 156.7 for those on the Peninsula's west side.  Hope you can check in and say hello.
Back to you soon with our August QRO newsletter.

Diana, AI6DF